Letter from the Administrator:
July is the month we celebrate our country’s independence. It is a time for family, fireworks and cookouts! Too often we take our independence for granted, not only as a country, but as a human being.
Imagine not being able to cook your own meals, dress yourself, or even feed yourself. Unfortunately, many of us have loved ones that for whatever reason, have lost much of their independence. This is very difficult for families to accept and even more trying for the person experiencing the loss.
Hardinsburg Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (HNRC) staff strive to ensure our residents regain and maintain as much independence as possible. We have an awesome therapy staff who celebrate when they can assist a resident to the point of prior functioning after illness or surgery. Sadly often times there comes a point when a person becomes fully dependent on others to manage their activities of daily living for them. I am amazed daily at the amount of love and care shown to our residents by the staff here at HNRC, and am very thankful for the opportunity to take care of residents from our community.
As we celebrate Independence Day, let’s also celebrate good mental and physical health!