Get to know James H.

It’s been a long time coming to welcome James H. He has been with us several months and it’s been a pleasure getting to know him and his family. Mr. H. is such an interesting man and has such an amazing passion for the outdoors. As the great outdoorsman he loves everything from fishing and golf, to skydiving and scuba diving as well as hunting, tubing, horseshoes and cornhole. James H. takes great pride in his family and lights up when he sees them. He has been married for 60 years and has 2 children, 1 grandson and 3 great-grandchildren. Mr. H. served in the Navy in Norfolk, VA where he was able to spend time on a submarine. He retired from Caesars Palace where he was a machine tech. We absolutely love having the entire family as part of our family at Hardinsburg Nursing and Rehab.